Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, is renowned for his commitment to human rights and public service, particularly advocating for women veterans. Advancing Military Equality During his presidency (1977-1981), Carter significantly advanced gender...
The holiday season is a time for community, connection, and reflection. Yet for many veterans in Middle Tennessee, the season can also bring feelings of isolation, especially for those without family nearby or a local Veterans department. These men and women have...
We Are Building Lives for Veterans In Tennessee, the issue of homelessness among veterans is a pressing concern that demands our attention and action. According to recent statistics, a significant number of veterans find themselves without stable housing, facing...
We Are Building Lives has partnered with Kroger’s Community Awards Program to make donating as easy as shopping for your groceries. Through the program, Kroger will donate a percentage of whatever you purchase to a nonprofit of your choice (We Are Building Lives...
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