Nashville-Davidson County HMIS: Public Privacy Notice

logoThis notice describes how information about you may be used and disclosed. Please read it carefully.

Nashville-Davidson County’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS):
This agency participates in the Nashville-Davidson County Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). HMIS is a secure, encrypted, web-based record-keeping system that maintains information about people experiencing a housing crisis, including their service needs. The personal information we collect helps our program to better understand the needs of persons who are experiencing a housing crisis and to improve services for them. Your refusal to provide consent for data entry and/or data sharing in HMIS will not affect your ability to receive services from this agency.

How will my data be protected?
Your data is entered into a computer program that is protected by passwords and encryption technology. In addition, each HMIS participating agency must sign an agreement to maintain the security and confidentiality of the information. Records are protected by federal, state, and local regulations governing the confidentiality of client records and cannot be disclosed without written consent unless otherwise provided for in the regulations.

How will the data be used?
Your information will be used: (1) to provide individual case management or services to you at this agency and other agencies that use the HMIS; (2) for statistical purposes, such as determining the number of persons that are experiencing homelessness in Nashville; (3) to track individual program-level outcomes; (4) to identify unfilled service needs and plan for the provision of new services; (5) to obtain payment for services provided to you; (6) for quality assessment, training, evaluation, legal and business planning, and other health care operations; (7) to allocate resources among agencies engaged in the provision of services; and (8) other uses allowed by law. With your consent, your information may also be shared electronically via a secure, encrypted, web-based system with other HMIS Participating Agencies in Nashville.

How do I benefit from providing the requested information and sharing it with other agencies?

Agreeing to share your information with HMIS may allow you to not have to supply all your personal demographic information again if you go to another HMIS participating agency for services. You can choose to give part or all of your personal information, or to refuse any question that you do not want to answer. This includes your service needs and your demographic, housing, employment, military, legal, and outcomes information. All agencies using HMIS are required to have security procedures in place regarding the protection and sharing of client data.

What are my rights?
You have a right to view the information in your HMIS record and to have a copy of that information provided to you.
You have a right to ask to see a list of the persons who have viewed or updated your client record.
You have a right to a current list of Nashville-Davidson County HMIS Participating Agencies upon request.
You can revoke your written consent at any time with a written request. Your point of contact, such as a case manager or Housing Navigator, can assist you in making this request to the HMIS Administrator.

The information about you can also be used or disclosed to the following:

  • Authorized individuals who work for this agency for administrative purposes related to providing services to you.
  • Auditors or others who review the work of this agency or need to review the information to provide services to this agency.
  • The HMIS staff and the HMIS software developer may see information for administrative purposes (e.g., to check data errors).
  • Individuals performing academic research who have signed a research agreement with this agency or Metro Social Services (MSS). Your name, SSN, and other identifying information will not appear in any research report.
  • This agency, MSS, or its subcontractor may use your information to create reports that have your identifying information removed.
  • Government or social services agencies that are authorized to receive reports of infectious disease, abuse, neglect or domestic violence, when such reports are required by law or standards of ethical conduct.
  • A coroner or medical examiner or funeral director to carry out their duties.
  • Authorized federal officials for the conduct of certain national security or certain activities associated with the protection of certain elected officials.
  • Law enforcement officials, but the disclosure must meet the minimum standards necessary for the immediate purpose and not disclose information about other individuals. A court order or search warrant may be required.
  • Others, to the extent that the law specifically requires such use or disclosure.
  • To others to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the health or safety of a person or the public, if the disclosure is made to a person or persons reasonably able to prevent or lessen the threat or harm, including the target of a threat.
  • Other uses and disclosures of your information will be made only with your written consent. You may revoke your consent at any time. This notice pertains only to the Nashville-Davidson County HMIS.

For more information or to review your client record, ask your agency point of contact, such as a case manager or Housing Navigator, or contact the HMIS Lead Agency at 615-862-6929 or All HMIS governance documents are subject to change as federal, state or local guidelines demand. Version 1. Effective August 2020.

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